3 Barriers to Peace in Mozambique: Political Assassinations, Police Violence and Lack of Press Freedom

Based on research from Corinna Jentzsch, Assistant Professor of International Relations at Leiden University, the cycles of violence in Mozambique can only be broken if the new president addresses three issues related to state repression, (1) putting an end to violence perpetrated by the police and army; (2) ending political assassinations and ensuring accountability for the ones that have taken place; (3) protecting media freedom and ending violence against journalists. He must do this in dialogue with opposition forces to earn trust and public support for the new government.

President Chapo is also aware of the waves being made by opposition leader Venâncio Mondlane, and dialogue with Mondlane is necessary. But, if this leads to another “elite bargain” that might get him a cabinet position but does not benefit the common people, Mozambicans will not calm down. Any agreement must address the lack of accountability for police violence, stop political assassinations, and allow journalists to investigate political violence.

(Source The Conversation Africa)

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