Lack of foreign currency could lead to company closures in Mozambique

More than 15 companies are at risk of closing their doors due to the difficulty of making imports associated with the shortage of foreign currency in the country. The information was provided by the private sector, which said on Thursday that the deficit continues to undermine the business environment.

Affected companies are in the manufacturing and tourism sectors, and the latter, international airlines have suspended ticketing in some agencies from Mozambique, due to the difficulty of repatriating the respective revenue, which must always be in dollars. The private sector also says that 2024 was one of the most difficult years for the economic sector, a period in which commercial banks were operating for a minimum of 5.5 million dollars. The situation continues, said Agostinho Vuma, the president of Mozambique’s Confederation of Economic Associations (CTA).

(Source O Pais)

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