Sweden pledges 11 million dollars for electricity expansion in Mozambique

The Swedish government has pledged to disburse 11 million dollars to fund a project aimed at expanding access to electricity in Mozambique’s rural areas over the next five years. The project called the +SOL Mini-Grid initiative, has been designed to encourage private companies to invest in the mini-grid sector, enabling them to build infrastructure and connect households in rural areas.

The mini-grids are decentralized systems that supply electricity to a limited number of homes and businesses, mainly in rural areas, and which rely predominantly on renewable sources such as solar energy or small hydroelectric plants, guaranteeing a sustainable and clean supply of power. Through the installation of these mini-grids, the +SOL initiative will not only boost rural electrification but will also promote the use of clean cooking solutions, reducing dependence on traditional fuels such as firewood and charcoal.

(Source AIM)

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