Cyclone Dikeledi leaves 156,000 without electricity in northern Mozambique

The company Electricity of Mozambique (EDM) announced this Tuesday that due to the fall of poles and rupture of cables caused by Cyclone Dikeledi, the supply of electricity has since Monday been affected in the districts of Nacala-Porto, Nacala-a-Velha, Mossuril, Memba, Ilha de Moçambique, Monapo and Nacaroa, in the province of Nampula, affecting around 156,385 customers.

Mozambique is among the countries most severely affected by climate change in the world, facing floods and tropical cyclones every rainy season, which runs from October to April. This is the second cyclone to affect the country, especially the north, in the space of a month.

(Translated and adapted from Lusa)

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