Mozambique President appoints prime-minister and new ministers

The President of Mozambique, Daniel Chapo, has appointed MARIA BENVINDA DELFINA LEVI to the post of Prime Minister of Mozambique. The president also announced the following new ministers:

  1. CRISTÓVÃO CHUME as Minister of National Defense;
  2. PAULO CHACHINE as Minister of the Interior;
  3. MARIA LUCAS as Minister for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation;
  4. CARLA LOVEIRA as Minister for Finance;
  5. INOCÊNCIO IMPISSA as Minister for State Administration and the Civil Service;
  6. ROBERTO ALBINO as Minister of Agriculture, Environment and Fisheries;
  7. SALIM VALÁ as Minister for Planning and Development;
  8. ESTEVÃO PALE as Minister for Mineral Resources and Energy;
  9. BASÍLIO MUHATE as Minister for the Economy;
  10. AMÉRICO MUCHANGA as Minister of Communications and Digital Transformation;
  11. JOÃO MATLOMBE as Minister of Transport and Logistics;
  12. USSENE ISSE as Minister of Health.

Only 7 ministers’ announcements are missing now.

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